Sunday 10 April 2016

Observations on the London tube

Journey on the tube is mostly quiet with only the sounds of the announcement and the train distinct.

Most are buried in their reading material either the newspaper or a book. Kindle being the popular device to read a book on. If it is a newspaper it will mostly be the metro or evening standard. But in the morning when you approach central London, you can see people reading the financial times. There are some who will read irrespective of how crowded the train is.

While the younger generation are mostly confined to social media, with Facebook being the popular choice. There are certain number of annoying people who will be talking loudly on their phones (especially noticeable in the metropolitan line). Some take it further by listening to loud music on their fancy headphones.

The most popular game played by woman is candy crush or other form of matching games, while men play football based manager games or puzzles including candy crush. I will be asking people on their choice of games and make a list. It will be extremely difficult considering how people are to having a conversation.

In the evening, it is back to using the phones again. I mean can you blame them.

P.S. I wrote this post while on the way to work on the tube.

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