Monday 24 November 2014

How to get broadband in UK?

Hey all, here is a step by step guide on how to get broadband connection in the UK. It is not possible to live with being connected to the world so it is essential to get your broadband up and running quickly.

Step 1 :
See if you already have a landline connection installed at your place. If it is installed , it speeds up the process.

Step 2 :
Decide between cable broadband or fibre optic.
Broadband connections come along your telephone wire so if you have a landline connection setting up broadband is easy.Fibre optic require special fibre optic cables and getting fibre connection depends on the area you live in.

Step 3:
Once you have made the choice on the type of connection, its time to decide your provider
This involves a fair bit of research and depends on your preferences and needs.
Please note that whatever provider you choose, the speed of your broadband depends on the line installed by the telephone company. Even if they say 10-15 Mbps speed in their ad's, if your telephone line can carry only 2Mbps you will get 2Mbps only.

Step 4 :
Choose your plan and provider online and oder online or at their store.
It will take ten days for you to be connected if you already have a telephone connection. Even more if a engineer visit is required.

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